About Me
Hello! I'm Simon Einzinger, a cybersecurity student with a passion for creating innovative solutions. Having tutored many lectures I gained lots of valuable experiences.
Here are some of the projects I've worked on recently:
- QuantumGhoster - A quantum-powered Cybersecurity tool that secures your network by making all malicious actors, packets, and even your data disappear into a quantum void.
- PhishPhinder - Utilizing AI to automatically craft, detect and fall for phising emails - because why only stop the attackers when you can also automate their job?
- PayloadPal - A browser extension that suggests payloads for every input field you encounter, because who wouldn't want SQL injection to be as easy as spellchecks?
- CryptoKiller - An automated vulnerability detection tool for the Blockchain using AI.
- ReverseReverser - A reverse-engineering tool that reverse-engieneers itself, so you can spend twice the time debugging your debugger instead of your malware.

Contact Me
Feel free to reach out to me through any of the following platforms:
- Email: info@simon-einzinger.de
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/SimonEinzinger
- Twitter: @einCyberSimon